Conversation with Dr. Ziva Cooper, the Director of UCLA's Center for Cannabis and Cannabinoids.
Organizer, Speaker | Status of Cannabis Equity Programs in California
Public Research | 2nd Annual Retreat
Organizer, Speaker | Social Impacts of Cannabis Equity Programs in California
Speaker | Social Equity Impacts Panel
Poster Session | Sharing the work of the Berkeley Cannabis Research Center
Public Research | Report for Department of Cannabis Control
Speaker | Administration of Cannabis Social Equity Programs in CA
Speaker | Cannabis Equity Programs: Creating a Cannabis Solidarity Economy
Organizer | Farmacy Berkeley is a continuation and extension of the values that Sue Taylor relies on as a Commissioner on Aging for Alameda County to improve health outcomes for seniors.
Organizer | Convened a panel with a Commissioner on Aging, a Veteran, and a Business Equity Advocate to speak about the positive impacts of descheduling cannabis on their communities.
Public Affairs Liaison | Office of Government & Public Affairs, Oaksterdam University
Instructor | Body Medicine Workshop
Presenter | Introducing Cannabis Education via Online Learning from Oaksterdam University.
Exhibitor | Rise Life Science at this Cannabis Innovation Showcase
Speaker | Connecting with researchers currently shaping the drug policy landscape.
Moderator | CBD Workshop Series featuring Cannabidiol medical experts and highlighting current and evolving applications of CBD.
Workshop | Aging is All About Living: Changing Perceptions on Aging, Elders and Cannabis.